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The following is an excerpt from the Chicago Crime Commission By-Laws regarding the process of becoming a member of the CCC.  Please read carefully, as it details the process one is required to undergo to attain membership status.
A. REQUIREMENTS.  Anyone who is known to be a person of integrity and good reputation, who is interested in the goals, objectives and functions of the Commission and who can contribute to the organization, may be eligible to be considered for membership.  Before anyone shall be elected to membership in the Chicago Crime Commission, the candidate for membership shall have demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Membership Committee that he or she is familiar with the organization and activities of the Chicago Crime Commission.  It is the responsibility of all members to support the Chicago Crime Commission's fundraising efforts.  Membership in this corporation is not transferable or assignable.
B. RESTRICTIONS.  No member may hold any public office having a direct relationship to law enforcement or the administration of justice.  Whenever a member is a candidate for elective office or appointed to such office, his or her membership in the Commission shall be suspended for the duration of the candidacy and/or term of office or appointment.  Exceptions may be proposed by the Executive Committee and adopted by the Board of Directors.  Members who wish to publicly endorse a candidate or participate in any such election campaign shall not identify themselves or authorize others to identify them as a Crime Commission member in any such endorsement or political participation.
A.  Prospective candidates may become a member upon sponsorship by a member of the Commission, the recommendation of the Membership Committee, and election at any meeting of the Board of Directors by a majority of those present, constituting a quorum.
B.  Membership shall be for the period of time between a member's election and the next December Annual meeting of the Commission and may be extended from year to year.
C.  (Omitted here due to discussion of "Life Members", who must have devoted at least ten years of meritorious service to the Commission)
D.  Annually, at the board meeting prior to the Annual Membership meeting, the Membership Committee shall review the membership of the Commission and recommend to the Board of Directors the names of members whose membership should be extended or discontinued.  The decision of the Board of Directors regarding membership matters is final and not appealable to the full Commission.